Have you ever looked for a 4-leaf clover? If you have, did you find one?

Have you ever looked for a 4-leaf clover? If you have, did you find one?

It’s all in the mind! You’ve probably heard the saying that you have to ‘see something to believe it’?

Well I believe it’s far more powerful to think of this the other way around – you have to believe something is there, or believe it’s possible before you will see it or see the opportunities for achieving it.

Let me demonstrate.

Years ago, when my daughters were small, we were at a friend’s BBQ. I noticed lots of clover in the grass and told them about the 4-leaf ones being rare.

Captured by their curiosity and excited to have some fun, on hands and knees the three of us started searching.

I overheard someone say, “You’re wasting your time, you’ll never find one!”

I smiled, ignored them and whispered to my girls, “If we believe there’s one there, we’ll see it”

We found 2!

Where have you held your belief against the odds, and then found what you were looking for?